Wine Tasting in Gatlinburg

 I recently visited Gatlinburg, Tennessee for Spring break. While there, I visited many wineries as they offer free samples on every corner! I participated in a wine trail that allowed to try a wide variety of wines and test my tasting and conversationalist skills. It was really exciting to be able to talk to the servers about the wine on a deeper level than just "that's good" or "that's sweet". I even had a server compliment my process on tasting wine! I taught my friend how to taste wine properly as well which made the experience so much more interesting. This particular wine is from Sugarland Winery. It is a Riesling blend, and labeled as a semi-sweet white. It was easily one of the nicer wines I have ever had, and I really enjoyed it. It has a deep flavor, which I found interesting for a Riesling. It was very smooth but still had a fairly full body. There was a strong taste melon and citrus, with a strong honey after taste. We ended up buying a bottle of it to take home! 
